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Portal Pass

The Stag Alliance Portal Pass is a magical gateway, giving exclusive benefits to holders both before and after the release of the main Stag Alliance NFT.

Portal Passes are only Airdropped


Quantity: 250

Pre-mint benefits

☑️ Early Discord Access
☑️ Special Discord Role
☑️ Allowlist for Stag Alliance NFT Sale
☑️ Mint up to 5 Stag Alliance NFTs

Post-mint benefits

☑️  Airdropped 1x Stag Alliance NFT from dev wallet
☑️  Chance of a rare Royal Stag from airdrop
☑️ 1x 'Enter the Portal' (EP) game access
☑️ Guaranteed rare item NFT from EP.
☑️ Collaboration WL opportunities boost (ongoing)
☑️ First to access the Elderworld game alpha
☑️ Stake for 100 PSTG per day in the Bank of Moonstone
☑️ Continual increase of benefits and value capture


Quantity: 50

Pre-mint benefits

☑️ Early Discord Access
☑️ Special Discord Role
☑️ Allowlist for Stag Alliance NFT Sale
☑️ Mint up to 8 Stag Alliance NFTs

Post-mint benefits

☑️ Airdropped 1x Stag Alliance NFT from dev wallet
☑️ Higher chance of a rare Royal Stag from airdrop
☑️ 2x 'Enter the Portal' (EP) game access
☑️ Guaranteed rare items NFT from EP
☑️ Collaboration WL opportunities boost + (ongoing)
☑️ First to access the Elderworld game alpha
☑️ Stake for 250 PSTG per day in the Bank of Moonstone
☑️ Continual increase of benefits and value capture

This is just the beginning. More benefits and features may be added as we continue to grow. Subject to change.

Portal Pass FAQs

What’s the Stag Alliance Portal Pass policy ID?


What is the price?

0ADA. All Portal Passes are airdropped on us.

Where can I purchase a Portal Pass?

The only safe place to purchase a Portal Pass is on where we are verified. Do not trust any other website. There are many scammers attempting to steal your ADA, please be vigilant and report any suspicious tweets or website links. If in doubt, please contact us.

Are all Portal Passes minted?

Yes. All Passes have been pre-minted into a dev-wallet, secured by Ledger. The contents of the wallet can publicly be viewed here.

Will there be rarity?

Yes. Green 250 / Magenta 50.

Why are some Portal Passes reserved for post Stag Alliance NFT release?

Holders of the main Stag Alliance NFT will have a chance to earn a Portal Pass post mint. The passes have benefits before and after mint, and is another way we plan for project longevity.